MOAR: Sports Venues
Market Intelligence
What It Is
AVIXA’s MOAR: Sports Venues investigates the opportunities and challenges offered by the venue vertical to providers of pro-AV solutions and technologies.
Who Should Read?
Providers of AV solutions who are either currently serving venue clients or have interest in doing so. Facilities managers within specific venues may also be interested to learn more about how the provider community seeks to help them address their technology solution needs.
How to Use?
The MOAR: Sports Venues report is a must-have for providers looking to understand the business needs of stadiums and arenas as they seek to provide services to the vertical. The report provides useful data and insight for building out both strategic and tactical plans for entering the market or improving their efforts.
What It Says?
- AV can make or break the sports venue experience. The fan survey reveals that when fans are very satisfied with all the AV aspects of their venue visit, they are almost always very satisfied overall. By contrast, fans disappointed by even just one AV component are likely to be very dissatisfied with their experience overall. The data are clear that AV integration is a high-stakes investment for sports executives. Improvements center on updating established technology, though expansion plans are prevalent as well.
- Venues are deploying digital signage to expand beyond their walls. Venue executives revealed that the spaces outside of their buildings was the most frequent space for planned AV upgrades. Further digital signage is the AV product on track to experience the greatest increase in planned deployment over the next year. Clearly, these decision-makers understand that excellence in sports venues means pushing the boundaries.
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